Let Sleeping Dogs, Lie, In a Great Bed

Hey, big dog owners, are you tired of seeing your pooch snoozing on the sofa. Worse yet, fighting with your canine for a spot in the bed, not to mention having it sprawled across your legs while you’re trying to sleep. Did you know the average dog usually sleeps around 12 hours a day? Of course, not in one stretch, but throughout the day and night. With that much sleeping going on, isn’t it time to invest in a dog pad/ bed.
Here are a few factors to consider when purchasing one:


Measure your dog while it’s standing from nose to tail. Then, measure it from the tip of the head to the floor. Add about 12 inches to your measurements and that should be the size of the bed you require for your pet. The additional 12 inches is to allow for growing space depending on the age of your dog.

Some dog pads are flimsy and easily wear out. Most pads become a lumpy mess after a year or so. A good bed will have a strong layer of support that will comfortably handle the weight of your dog. Most dog mattresses come with a rating, so check it out. Also, consider the weight of your dog to be sure the pad can handle it.

Most dogs have multiple sleeping areas. Quite often they will find the warmest spot in the house to sleep when the climate cools. Ideally, you want a dog pad that is easy to move around. The bed should not be so wide to make it a chore to navigate thru the doorways in your house.

For a selection of Big Dog Beds click here

A word about pricing. Don’t be chintzy when purchasing a pad for your pet. After all, you wouldn’t buy a lumpy mattress for you to sleep on. So, spend a little extra and buy your dog a comfortable bed that will last. If you don’t, and go cheap, you will be running back to the pet store for a second bed. After all a great bed for your dog may mean better sleep for you.